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Agents special offer

Agents are either loved or hated, but the fact of the matter is they make things happen. A good agent can help discover talent, assist to market players, arrange trials and ultimately negotiate the best deal possible for his/her client:

Agents are encouraged to join Love My Football, and add all their details so that members can check their profiles and details

Credibility and information is the key ingredient expected by clients such as football clubs, football players and regulatory bodies such as the FA. Agents are an essential component and as a result a specific section has been created on

Full agents facilities offered

Agents will be able to load all of their personal details

Agents will be able to load and add current/past history

Agents will be able to add pictures

Agents will be able to control an events calendar and thereby add their latest match or training dates etc

Agents will be able to share their pages and posts to numerous social media sites

Agents Clubs will be able to invite members from various locations, such as Facebook, email addresses etc

Agents will possess the full ability to change the look of their personal page including images etc

Agents will possess a URL direct to their own page

Each Agent will also possess the ability to receive messages and requests from various contacts

The ability to block online trolls etc will be retained